What is the Caring Community?
The Caring Community is an integral component of Shalom b’Harim life. Our Mission is to be there for congregants in good times – births, marriages, graduations, achievements, and the like, and in difficult times such as illness or death or other times of need and life-cycle events.
What does this mean?
Please contact us regarding all life events by clicking here. We will have these printed in our Newsletter and there will be an opportunity for Temple members to make a donation in honor or memory on your behalf. On the website under Caring Community there is a drop-down menu for registering Mi Sheiberachs and Yahrzeits.
We are here to assist in times of need. We are your Temple family in times of illness or loss. We are here to support you: Phone calls of support. A minyan when appropriate. You tell us what your needs are, and we will do our best to help. We will contact Rabbi Matan and alert him to your situation in the event of an illness or death. (Should you wish your information to be confidential, we will certainly honor that request.)
Shalom b’Harim has a Sunshine Committee. Everyone who wants to attend our ticketed services, programs and events are welcome, whether they can pay for a ticket or not. Just let us know. No one will ever be turned away and the information is confidential. Your Temple Family’s arms are always open.
We support Tikkun Olam, meaning acts to repair the world, as part of our Shalom b’Harim mission. Our current focus is the Georgia Mountain Food Bank. We collect food and monetary donations monthly. They are always looking for in-person volunteers. Let us know if you have an interest.
As we all know only too well, these have become trying times in our country and in the world, including the current Israeli conflict and the rise of Antisemitism. At a time like this, we all turn to our Jewish community. It is comforting to come together and connect. Those in our community understand how necessary it is to talk with fellow Jews who uniquely understand what it feels like to live in today’s political climate. We have come together at Shalom b’Harim to be part of a cultural, caring community.
Shalom b’Harim is your religious family. We want to foster that feeling of inclusion. The Caring Community is evolving to meet the needs of the congregation. If you have suggestions or ideas you think would be helpful, please share them with us. If you want to be involved, please let us know. We want to hear from YOU!
Contact the Caring Community members via email at caring@shalombharim.org
Shalom U’vrachah,
Melanie Vaughan
Leslie Brass
Leon Rubin